Monday, November 09, 2009

playing with contrast and exposure on old photos


I was procrastinating yesterday, so decided to play around with some contrast and exposure settings on some old photos... here is what i got


Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Home Gym

So, the other day, a friend of a friend was giving away this home gym.(Thank you, again!) It took 3 guys to load it into my dad's minivan (Long Live Honda Odyssey!), and I found no better way to spend that much needed extra hour on the DST shift weekend than unloading the structure and assembling it. Just for kicks i decided to try making a time-lapse video.

Assembling Home Gym from Timur Sakayev on Vimeo.

Resources used:
1) Camera with tripod and a bag loaded with B&H photo/video/audio catalogs
2) 4 Bottles of Sam Adams
3) Muscles of my body (some of which I was not aware of until the day after)
4) 240 expletives (at an average rate of about 2 per minute) - i think i invented one or two more
5) 2 wrenches

Lessons learned:
1) Use Full Manual mode on camera for consistent settings
2) Take special care not to move tripod, in order to avoid spending 20 mins trying to get the same shot
3) Heavy items WILL fall onto your toes/ pinch fingertips if you are not careful
4) Video makes it look too easy!

comes to you from the guy who was unloading KLR 650 alone off a truck w/o a ramp.

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